Whole School Approach

Stages of engagement with a school

The Emerging CONNECTED school

has identified a member of staff to ‘champion’ sustainable wellbeing and emotional health. This champion has formed networks with colleagues and has established rapport with senior management, who are keen to pilot an intervention, probably a group of staff undertaking training in tools for their own well-being. Mind With Heart acknowledges and values the efforts the school is already making for the flourishing of its staff and students.


The Established CONNECTED School

has a cohort of staff which is practising mindfulness and compassion exercises with regularity. They have been trained to deliver Connected With Myself and Connected With Others to students, and at least two year groups are engaged in the Connected programmes, probably as part of Personal, Social and Health Education [PSHE] or Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development [SMSC]. There are school clubs offering on-going mindfulness and compassion exercises. Mentoring and peer support groups offer structures for strengthening good practice.


The Beacon CONNECTED school

runs Connected With Myself and Connected With Others each year. All members of the school community are aware of the programmes. Staff and students have their own extra-curricula Connected clubs, and parents may also be invited to be involved. The school timetable reflects the importance senior management give to the well-being and flourishing of both staff and students. The school may hold Mind With Heart outreach trainings for staff in neighbouring schools or hold a youth conference on the theme of, for example, the role of compassion in society.

Schools we work with